The CPA pays the utmost attention to the continuous improvement of safety measures at the races

One of the most important and difficult jobs for CPA is the work to improve the safety of riders during races.


Cycling, it is known, is a dangerous sport, and the road or urban centers are not an ideal terrain for safe cycling racing. That is why a great deal of teamwork is needed to try to prevent as much as possible the risks and problems riders encounter while racing. CPA has long worked closely with riders, organizers and the UCI to collaborate on improving safety. How?


By sending delegates on every major race who can intervene to get action if necessary. CPA delegates act as spokespersons for riders to the race organization and UCI’s commissioners, request enforcement of the extreme weather and safety protocol if necessary and constantly dialogue with athletes and organizers whenever difficulties are identified on the race course. CPA also collects feedback from riders on every major race through surveys that will serve in safety working groups in which all cycling families participate. The goal is to provide data that will be used to improve safety on races to come.


Many achievements have been made on the safety front for the professional cyclists, and many other goals are still being worked on. Among the most recent: a study that has been requested to the UCI to obtain barriers suitable for the cycling sport for the finishes, a mandatory minimum safety distance between vehicles in the race and riders, a more effective and independent race course reconnaissance system.

Riders EWP Delegate

Mr. Adam Hansenwill be the CPA delegate and Extreme Weather Protocol riders representative at  Santos Tour Down Under

Joint agreement

Every two years, the CPA & the AIGCP sign a new joint agreement which establishes the minimum standards for working conditions such as wages and insurance.

CPA’s projects

The association “Cyclistes Professionnels Associés” represents the interests of the professional riders and their safety during the races come always first.

CPA Women

CPA Women is part of CPA and is the only international association of professional female riders, giving female athletes a voice.