Pandemia has not stopped the CPA and its globalization project
from 05/06/20
The world has been forced to stop because of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, but the activity of the International Riders Association has not stopped even for a moment. Gianni Bugno, Alessandra Cappellotto and their collaborators have worked hard to defend the interests of professional cyclists spread all over the world. In an emergency situation, both the CPA and the CPA Women have worked hard to support their associates in front of the other components of the cycling world and beyond.
«We have drawn up principles of transparency and sharing to protect riders in negotiations with the teams. With the UCI we have worked for a fruitful discussion between the parties. Despite the seriousness of the moment we could not simply accept an imposition of cuts in wages that came the teams. We have established a dialogue with the riders and their agents to start favorable negotiations for the whole movement and in some cases we have denounced abuses» explains the president of the CPA Gianni Bugno, who on June 9th, during the next Professional Cycling Council will ask for feedback on the negotiations carried out and give a response to the riders who must live with too many question marks related to their future.
«Just as tough riders are used to do after a crash we are getting back into our saddles and riding. Our sport teaches us to get up, to sacrifice ourselves in order to achieve our goals, to work hard and within a team. I am sure that each of us will have learned something from this difficult situation and will be therefore stronger. Personally, as after two abundant months locked in the house, I was thrilled the first time I was able to get back on the road on my bicycle, so my heart will squeeze at the start of the first races, when we finally will get together with our boys and girls. Together we will restart cycling and it will be great!» adds Alessandra Cappellotto, head of the CPA Women.
After numerous steering committees and online meetings, the General Assembly of the CPA will be held on June 29th. On this occasion the participation of the new Belgian (BPCA), Australian (AAPC) and Polish (SKZP) associations will be officially voted. «We were ready to welcome these new associations in February but the pandemic forced us to postpone this step. Nevertheless, we are very proud to have helped these new associations to get started. Now that we are getting back to a quite regular life we can take up again the globalisation project of our association, which wants to represent all the athletes and can do it best only with the constant and direct work on the territory of the national associations» comments the secretary general of the CPA Laura Mora.
«Meeting each other, even if digitally, will also help us to take stock of the budget, to optimise the prize money management, to handle the problems related to the transition/end of career fund and to focus on the riders’ rights to freely decide on the use of their sensitive data, on the renewal of the Joint Agreement, on the new health regulations drawn up in view of the restart of the races. We are still continuously engaged in the working groups organized by the International Cycling Union for the resumption of activity. Our goal is to return to normal as soon as possible, to guarantee the contracts of the riders and to ensure that post-pandemic cycling is a place of safe work for everyone».