The CPA welcomes the Australian Association of Professional Cyclist
from 23/12/19
In 2019 the International Riders' Association has expanded its network worldwide. After the riders’ associations born in Belgium (BPCA), Poland (SKZP), in the United Kingdom (BIPCA) and, for the women's sector, in France (AFCC), the CPA congratulates the birth of the Australian Association of Professional Cyclist which has officially seen the light in late November.
The new continental union was born by the will of the "aussie” riders, who named as their president Adam Hansen, an active athlete who holds the record of 20 consecutive participations in the Grand Tours and who’s also a successful entrepreneur in different sectors. The Lotto Soudal rider will work with some colleagues and members of the newly elected board like Jack Haig, Luke Durbridge and Rory Sutherland.
From now on, all the Australian riders will be able to count on their national union to solve problems related to their job and they will count more within the CPA, thanks to a representative who will become a member of the Steering Committee of the International Riders' Association.
«We are happy with the birth of a new riders’ association because being physically present in the country of the athletes is fundamental to protect and improve the working conditions of the men and women cyclists. In order for our work to be effective, it’s necessary a direct contact with the riders, which only the associations belonging to the CPA can guarantee - comments the president of the CPA Gianni Bugno. - In the new year we will continue with the creation of new associations in countries where they do not yet exist, to create an ever larger and more united network of unions».
The two-time world champion in view of Christmas and the new year takes the opportunity to send his best wishes to all the men and women cyclists that he represents: «The CPA wants to involve the athletes more and more in the activities of the union. Only through the national associations the movement will be enriched with bodies capable of appropriately defend the rights of the riders all over the world. I take this opportunity to thank all the athletes who attended the meetings that the CPA has organised during the training camps before the holidays. Best wishes to all for a successful 2020 season».