from 05/09/19
The globalization project of the International Association of Riders led by Gianni Bugno continues. After the riders’ associations born in Belgium (BPCA), Poland (SKZP) and UK (BIPCA) in the last few days in France the Association Francaise des Coureures Cyclistes (AFCC) was launched for the transalpine riders.
Thanks to the support of the French professional cyclists' union UNCP, chaired by Pascal Chanteur, the former riders Marionne Clignet and Elisabeth Chevanne Brachet took a stand for their colleagues. They will be able to count also on the help of the vice presidents Audrey Cordon Ragot, Marion Sicot, Sandrine Bideau, all three active athletes, the general secretary Jennifer Letué, the treasurer Sandrine Deligey, lawyer and mother of some young cyclists, as well as Christophe Agnolutto, the UNCP vice-president, appointed as AFCC director.
During the European Championships the presidents Clignet and Chevanne Brachet met the women CPA coordinator Alessandra Cappellotto, with whom they are in constant contact, to plan their work. «Thanks to the CPA, more and more associations are coming up to protect and improve the working conditions of the riders - comments the 1997 world champion of San Sebastian. - Men and women together are stronger. United we will be able to fight worldwide some topics, such as the serious problems highlighted by the MeToo Cycling campaign or the non-payment of salaries, as well as to overcome the legal and institutional obstacles that are different from country to country. An important subject, for example, is the contract of athletes who militate in military corps, which had to be regularised in view of the reform of the World Tour 2020. The CPA supports the birth of national associations because they allow us to be more and more in contact with our men and women athletes».