Behind the scenes at the Tour de France 2021 - our rider representative's diary, Part 2
from 13/07/21
CPA rider representatative Pascal Chanteur has been keeping us informed of his activities at the Tour de France.
Read about his activities over past stages.
Due to the specific nature of today’s stage – with low temperatures and the neutralized start coming after 19km of downhill, Pascal Chanteur negotiated a short 5 km stop before Km 0 to allow riders to change. This followed our discussion with the riders. Thank you for working with the riders, ASO. Safety first always.
And at the end of Stage 16, Pascal shared a photo of four members of ASO's team (the organisers) holding signs asking people to 'respect the riders'! Team work. We're thanking ASO for this on our social media (and in person.)