Riders and Associations members of the CPA
Full Members of the CPA are all the licensed professional riders who belong to the UCI World Teams and Professional Continental Teams. Also national cycling associations are members
The CPA is composed of several national associations, which are in charge of dealing with the riders' needs at a local level. Each association functions according to its own bylaws and regulations, and act as a cyclists' national union to provide assistance to the riders in the event of contractual, legal, tax or pension issues. They work in close cooperation with the national federations in their respective countries, and they actively engage in training new professionals and in reintegrating former riders into work after the end of their careers. They are also in charge of promoting cycling among young people, and of developing initiatives aimed at, among others, spreading the culture of road safety. They are mainly financed by a 3% tax paid by the organisers and calculated on the prizes of the races in their specific countries, as well as by means of sponsorships for events they organise.
The member associations of the CPA act as a connecting link between the CPA and the riders, and play a paramount role in the smooth functioning of the rider representation system as a whole.
The founding associations of the CPA were those from countries with a long cycling tradition, namely Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Portugal. Over the years, the CPA has promoted the creation of new national associations, including: United States and Canada, Australia, Poland, Colombia and a new association in Belgium that replaced the previous one.
The CPA recently changed its statutes, which now provide for a women's section of the CPA and the possibility for riders to become individual members of the association. The association is divided into a men's and women's section with a respective director who is also vice-president of the CPA. A Riders' Council was introduced, whose male and female representatives have one vote on the CPA's Steering Committee. Participating in the life of the association is easier thanks to the introduction of electronic voting for members and the possibility of holding each meeting online. The new statutes also provide for a Council of Wise Men.
List of associations currently affiliated with the CPA:

C/O Palazzo CONI (FCI)
Via Piranesi 46,
IT - 20137 Milano
Président: Cristian Salvato

Rua Augusto Nogueira da Silva, 1384,
4º Esq. 4475-133 Castêlo da Maia.
Président: Paulo Couto
Piazza Independenza 7
2747 CH – Bellinzona
Président: David Chassot

Boite Postale 36
F – 38352 La Tour du Pin
Président: Pascal Chanteur
Secrétaire: Xavier Jan

Calle Ferraz 16 – Bajo
E – 28008 Madrid
Président: José Luis de Santos
Secrétaire: Patricia Bano

Président: Christian Vande Velde
Secrétaire: Ian London

Président: Adam Hansen
Ondrejnicka 867
Czech Republic, 739 11

Stowarzyszenie Kolarzy Zawodowych w Polsce / Association of Professional Riders in Poland
Président: Jaroslaw Marycz
Addresse: ul.Śląska 21, 81-319 Gdynia
téléphone: 506931113

Président: Staf Scheirlinckx
Addresse: Zavelstraat 27, 9550 Herzele - Belgium
téléphone: +32 486 29 76 43

Président: Gustavo Pinilla Florian
+57 3108197155