We are the riders

The CPA, the only association for riders recognized by the UCI

The association "C.P.A., Cyclistes Professionnels Associés" is an international non-profit association that safeguards the interests of the professional riders

About the CPA

Cyclistes Professionnels Associés is the largest international association of professional cyclists. We work to ensure that cyclists have a strong, collective voice in their sport.  Through our advocacy, professional cyclists can engage with the world governing body UCI and with teams and race organisers and ensure that the voice of cyclists is heard.

We support cyclists in all aspects of their work, providing assistance on contracts, prizes, issues during races, and ensuring that cyclists are heard in key conversations about safety, regulations concerning their work, health, equipment, doping controls and cycling reforms. 

And then we support cyclists at the end of their careers as they think about how to move on to their next career. 

We work through CPA Women to focus on the specific needs of female cyclists. These include conversations about their safety from harassment, improving the women's sector in terms of races, prizes and salaries. We want to create a global network of women cyclists and former professional cyclists to develop grassroots cycling and build a solid future for professional women cyclists. 



The CPA works to give riders the opportunity to defend their interests, see their rights respected, and demand improved working conditions.
Our goal is to make the riders' voices heard in negotiations and dialogue with other key players in world cycling, such as the UCI, teams and race organisers.


We work with riders in the following ways:

All riders under a contract which respect the Joint Agreement with a World Tour, Pro Continental or Continental team may decide to become member and can raise concerns with us individually. We have an ongoing dialogue with riders and regularly poll riders on safety and other concerns as well as keep them informed on race issues. 

All pro and world tour riders have a representative who can join the CPA's Council of Riders and actively participate in the life of the Association.

A CPA delegate attends each World Tour race. Before the race they link in with team representatives. During races, our daily communication means riders’ concerns can have an instant impact. After every race we conduct rider surveys to review aspects including race infrastructure and route safety. 

We represent directors of several national associations, support the creation of new national associations and learn about the different experiences and requirements in different geographies. All pro riders members of CPA have a direct invitation to assemblies.


How it works

Our structure consists of a General Assembly and a Steering Committee of CPA President Adam Hansen, the heads of national associations, the directors of the Men's and Women's Council of the CPA and the representatives of the Council of Riders. These members liaise constantly with the peloton and the steering committee meets four to six times per year to ensure CPA’s strategy reflects current rider concerns.

CPA’s funding comes predominately from a tax payed by the organisers of the most important races and from a contribution given by the UCI to all the cycling families.


Who is Who

Administration Board

  • President: Adam Hansen, former professional rider and president of the Australian national riders' association (AAPC)

  • Vice-President: Pascal Chanteur, ex cycling professional, President L’association Nationale des Coureurs Français (UNCP), director of the CPA Men’s Council

  • Vice-President: Alessandra Cappellotto, world champion and director of the CPA Women's Council
  • General Secretary: Laura Mora

  • Treasurer: Xavier Jan, Project Manager: prize money management


Steering Committee

  • Adam Hansen, president of the CPA and the Australian national riders' association (AAPC)
  • Alessandra Cappellotto, Vice President and director of the CPA Women's Council
  • Pascal Chanteur, Vice President and director of the CPA Men's Council, president of the French riders' national association (UNCP)
  • José de Santos, president of the Spanish national riders' association (ACP)
  • Cristian Salvato, president of the Italian national riders' association (ACCPI)
  • Pascal Chanteur, president of the French riders' national association (UNCP)
  • Paulo Couto, president of the Portuguese national riders' association (APCP)
  • David Chassot, secretary of the Suisse national riders' association (ACPS)
  • Staf Scheirlinckx, president of the Belgian national riders’ association (BPCA)
  • Jarosław Marycz, president of the Polish national riders’ association (SKZP)
  • Jairo Vega Buitrago, president of the Colombian national riders’ association (ASCICOL)

Honorary President

  • Gianni Bugno, winner of Giro d’Italia and many classics, two-time world champion



CPA was created on 15 May 1999 in Italy, on the eve of the Giro d’Italia to represent riders’ interests. Francesco Moser was the first president, followed by Cédric Vasseur in 2007 and Gianni Bugno from 2011 to 2023, when Adam Hansen, the current president, was elected.

During this time, the CPA has gained prestige and recognition from all players involved in the world of cycling.
Today, it brings together an increasing number of affiliate associations, and is engaged in dialogue with all pro riders. In 2017 we expanded to include a female chapter, CPA Women. In 2022 a new statute and a reform of the structure and functioning of the association was introduced. Among the most important changes are electronic voting and the official entry of women cyclists into the CPA. 

Riders EWP Delegate

Mr. Adam Hansenwill be the CPA delegate and Extreme Weather Protocol riders representative at UAE Tour

Joint agreement

Every two years, the CPA & the AIGCP sign a new joint agreement which establishes the minimum standards for working conditions such as wages and insurance.

CPA’s projects

The association “Cyclistes Professionnels Associés” represents the interests of the professional riders and their safety during the races come always first.

CPA Women

CPA Women is part of CPA and is the only international association of professional female riders, giving female athletes a voice.